21 April 2021 (14:00 – 15:30), online event
Watch the full video (available in the Czech language only).
The Czech Republic certainly does not suffer from a lack of AI experts. Experts see the problem especially in the financing of Czech startups and science. The ecosystem generally does not have sufficient public support, and therefore startups cannot grow up to the size of technology giants as elsewhere in the world.
The local scientific community does not have enough grant opportunities and resources to focus on basic research, which is often quite expensive. We cannot pay students from available resources well and provide them with long-term favourable conditions as in the West or in the Nordic countries.
Concept of investments, the establishment of a fund for financing smaller projects, and greater community education in the field of artificial intelligence could contribute to equal conditions and independence in the field of AI. This could contribute to a societal demand and create a favourable ecosystem for innovation, such as in Israel.