Researchers Josef Šivic, Kateryna Zorina, and Anton Bushuiev Take the Stage at ICTERI-2024 in Lviv

We are excited to announce that three of our esteemed researchers, Josef Šivic, Kateryna Zorina, and Anton Bushuiev, will be presenting at the highly anticipated ICTERI-2024 conference, taking place in Lviv. The conference, known for its focus on advancements in intelligent systems and AI, will feature ELLIS Lightning Talks, jointly organized by the ELLIS Associate Unit in Lviv and the ELLIS Unit in Prague.

ELLIS Lightning Talks: Showcasing Cutting-Edge Research

The ELLIS Lightning Talks track at ICTERI-2024 is a platform for top researchers to present their latest findings in the field of AI. Josef, Kateryna, and Anton, who have all recently published at leading conferences, are among the six speakers selected for this track. Their presentations will highlight innovative approaches to AI and robotics, pushing the boundaries of current research.

Our Presenters

Josef Šivic
Josef Šivic, a distinguished researcher from the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), serves as a track chair for the ELLIS Lightning Talks. He will be playing a key role in facilitating the session and ensuring that the innovative ideas presented at the conference contribute to the global dialogue on AI and intelligent systems.

Kateryna Zorina
Kateryna Zorina, also from CTU, will be presenting her work titled Multi-Contact Task and Motion Planning Guided by Video Demonstration„. Her research focuses on advanced robotics, specifically on how video demonstrations can be used to guide complex motion planning tasks in robotic systems. Kateryna’s work has significant implications for the future of automation and robotics, making her presentation one of the highlights of the track.

Anton Bushuiev
Anton Bushuiev, a PhD student from CTU, will deliver his talk on Learning to Design Protein-Protein Interactions with Enhanced Generalization„. Anton’s research is at the intersection of AI and biology, where he uses machine learning techniques to design protein interactions. This groundbreaking work has the potential to advance biomedical research and therapeutic development, offering new possibilities in drug discovery and protein engineering.

A Platform for Collaboration and Innovation

ICTERI-2024 serves as a significant event for researchers, providing them with a platform to share their latest findings and engage in collaborative discussions with peers from across Europe and beyond. The ELLIS Lightning Talks track, in particular, emphasizes the importance of dissemination and collaboration, bringing together researchers who are making strides in AI safety, robotics, biomedical research, and more.

We are incredibly proud of Josef, Kateryna, and Anton for representing us at this prestigious event. Their contributions to the field of AI and robotics are not only advancing scientific knowledge but are also opening doors to practical applications that will have a lasting impact on various industries.

Be sure to follow the conference updates and watch for more insights from the ELLIS Lightning Talks at ICTERI-2024!